Our Happy Birth Day With Love bouquet from Arabianblossom is made of the finest materials and is designed to provide maximum freshness and longevity. With its exquisite construction and beautiful design, this stunning bouquet of 12 stems of pink roses and 5 stems of pink lilies is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a special way to express their love.
- 12 stems of fresh pink roses and 5 stems of pink lilies
- Single stem bouquets for easy arranging
- Handpicked and expertly arranged for maximum freshness
- Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or any special occasion
- Makes a great gift for friends, family, or that special someone
- Ideal for flower lovers and anyone who appreciates beauty and elegance
- Arrangement of 12 stems of pink roses and 5 stems of pink lilies with fillers in a matka glass vase with 1 Kg chocolate cake with Happy Birthday Foil Balloon
Whether you're a romantic at heart or just looking to brighten someone's day, the Happy Birth Day With Love bouquet from Arabianblossom is the ideal choice for maximum freshness and beauty. So why wait? Order yours today and experience the ultimate in floral elegance!